Achieve – Awareness of Common History for Identifying and Extending the Values of Europe

ACHIEVE aims to develop the EU identity starting from a reflection on the common history, art and religions among cities from Central and South-Eastern Europe as a tool to fight growing Euroscepticism.

Lead applicant of this project is Breganze Municipality (Italy) and partner organizations are: Istituto Rezzara (IT), Association des Agences de la Democratie Locale (FR) , CRLDS – Centre for European Policy Studies on Regional and Local Development (AL) , RAM Central Stara Planina (BG) , Zavidovici Municipality (BIH), House of National Minorities (CZ) , Erdut Municipality(HR), Peje Municipality (KS), Coalition of youth organizations SEGA (MK), Herceg Novi Municipality (Montenegro), Mioveni Municipality (RO) , Cajetina Municipality (SER) & CEE CN (SK).

The project « Achieve: Awareness of Common History for Identifying and Extending the Values of Europe » was funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme “Europe for Citizens”

The project « Achieve: Awareness of Common History for Identifying and Extending the Values of Europe » was funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme “Europe for Citizens” (download .pdf)

Applicable to the Strand 2 – Measure 2.1 “Town-Twinning”

1st International event: KICK OFF MEETING

Participation: The event involved 57 citizens, including 29 participants from the city of Dalj, Bijelo Brdo, Aljmaš (Croatia), 5 participants from the city of Vicenza (Italy), 2 participants from the city of Prague (Czech Republic), 3 participants from the city of Čajetina, Zaječar (Serbia), 3 participants from the city of Prilep (Macedonia), 2 participants from the city of Mioveni (Romania), 2 participants from the city of Herceg Novi (Montenegro), 2 participants from the city of Gabrovo (Bulgaria), 2 participants from the city of Peja (Kosovo), 2 participants from the city of Zavidovići (Bosnia Herzegovina), 2 participants from the city of Banska Bystrica (Slovakia), 2 participants from the city of Tirana (Albania) and 1 participant from the city of Bruxelles (Belgium).

Location / Dates: The event took place in Dalj, Municipality of Erdut (Croatia) from 24/06/2019 to 26/06/2019

Short description: The aim of the event in the municipality of Erdut was to meet the partners and present their organizations, to present Europe for the citizens  program, to present the project “ACHIEVE”, its goals and activities, and for each partner to present the current situation of Euroscepticism in their country, on the basis of which activities will be carried out at the following international meetings to be held in local community, Czech Republic, Kosovo and Italy.

2nd International event: WHAT IT MEANS TO BE EUROPEAN

Participation: The event involved 40 to 42 citizens (depending on the day of the event), including 14 participants from Czech Republic, 5 participants from Italy, 3 participants from Macedonia, 2 participants from Croatia, 2 participants from Kosovo, 2 participants from Bulgaria, 2 participants from Serbia, 2 participants from Albania, 2 participants from Bosnia Herzegovina, 2 participants from Romania, 2 participants from Montenegro, 1 participant from Slovakia and 1 participant from Belgium

Location / Dates: The event took place in Praga (Czech Republic) at the House of national minorities, from 19/02/2020 to 21/02/2020
Short description: The aim of the event was to share the results of the first local path and to focus on identity and European citizenship. ALDA presented methods to engage citizens during the local paths.


Participation: The event involved 53 citizens, including 50 participants from the city of Peja (Kosovo),  

2 participants from the city of Vicenza (Italy) and 1 participant from Croatia.

Location / Dates: The event took place in the Peje Municipality (Kosovo) from 05/12/2021 to 07/12/2021

Short description: The aim of the event was to share and identify causes of Euroscepticism, to define a common strategy to fight Euroscepticism. ALDA offered capacity building. The day of 06/12/2021 was dedicated to the workshop, “Sharing elements of common identity”. In this workshop, participants discussed what it means to be European, and shared different perspectives on identity. The day of 07/12/2021 was dedicated on Euroscepticism causes and counter- narratives but also related to Kosovo’s perspective toward the European Union. 

4th International event: BORED OF BORDERS

Participation: The event involved 47 citizens, including 28 participants from Italy (16 in presence + 12 on line), 3 participants from Albania, 3 participants from Bulgaria, 2 participants from Croatia, 2 participants from Bosnia

Herzegovina, 1 participant from Czech Republic, 1 participant from Slovakia, 1 participants from Kosovo, 1

participant from Serbia, 1 participant from Ukraine, 1 participant from Romania, 1 participant from Montenegro, 2

participants from Republic of Macedonia (13 in presence and 6 online).

Location / Dates: The event took place in Vicenza (Italy), from 04/04/2022 to 05/04/2022

Short description: The aim of the event was to promote EU identity and boundary crossing, to present the Global Citizenship Map and to evaluate the project. Breganze Municipality and the Institute of Rezzara hosted the event with the help of ALDA. On the 4th april afternoon a public session, open to the local community, was held with the workshop: Movement of peoples. Borders crossing in light of the recent crises.

Applicable to the Strand 2 – Measure 2.2 “Networks of Towns” Measure 2.3 “Civil Society ProjectsStrand 1 – “European Rememberance

4 events have been carried out within this project:


Participation: The local path 1 involved 501 citizens in total in all the partner countries. 

The event in Erdut involved 33 citizens, including 27 participants from the city of Dalj (Croatia), 5 participants from the city of Bijelo Brdo (Croatia) and 1 participant from the city of Vukovar (Croatia). The event in Cajetina involved 30 citizens, including 30 participants from the city of Cajetina (Serbia). The event in Slovakia of CEE CN involved 30 citizens, including 30 participants from the city of Banská Bystrica (Slovakia). The event in Prague of the House of National minorities involved 20 to 40 citizens (Czech Republic). The event in the Republic of Macedonia of SEGA involved 35 citizens, including 35 participants from the city of Prilep (Republic of N. Macedonia). The event in Albania of CRLDS involved 67 citizens, including 33 participants from the city of Vlora (Albania), 17 participants from the City of Ura Vajgurore, Municipality of Dimal (Albania), and 5 participants from the city of Tirana (Albania). The event of Istituto Rezzara involved 52 citizens, including 21 participants from the city of Vicenza (Italy), 1 participant from the town of Bolzano Vicentino (VI) (Italy), 4 participants from the town of Montebello Vicentino (VI) (Italy), 3 participants from the town of Sarego (VI) (Italy), 2 participants from the town of Gambellara (VI) (Italy), 1 participant from the town of Alonte (VI) (Italy) 20 participants from the town of Lonigo (VI) (Italy). The event in Mioveni involved 75 citizens, including 75 participants from the city of Mioveni (Romania). The event in Bulgaria of RAM involved 130 citizens, including 5 participants from the city of Sevlievo (Bulgaria), 10 participants from the city of Dryanovo (Bulgaria), 10 participants from the city of Apriltsi (Bulgaria), 8 participants from the city of Antonovo (Bulgaria), 5 participants from the city of Ugarchin (Bulgaria), 7 participants from the city of Teteven (Bulgaria), 85 participants from the city of Gabrovo (Bulgaria). The event in Zavidovici involved 51 citizens, all participants from the city of Zavidovići (Bosnia and Herzegovina). The event in Peja involved 25 participants from the city of Peja (Kosovo). The event in Herceg Novi involved 103 students from Herceg Novi (Montenegro). 

Location / Dates: The event took place in all partner countries (Erdut-Croatia, Cajetina-Serbia, CEE CN-Slovakia, House of national minorities-Czech Republic, SEGA-Macedonia, CRLDS- Albania, Istituto Rezzara-Italy, Mioveni-Romania, RAM-Bulgaria, Zavidovici-Bosnia and Herzegovina, Breganze-Italy, Peje-Kosovo, Herceg Novi-Montenegro), from August 2019 to January 2020
Short description: The aim of the event was to introduce the project, raise awareness on the topic of identity, and

introduce Euroscepticism.


Participation: The local path 2 involved 2086 citizens in total in all the partner countries. 

The event in Erdut involved 34 citizens, including 28 participants from the city of Dalj (Croatia), 3 participants from the city of Bijelo Brdo (Croatia), 1 participant from the city of Erdut (Croatia), 1 participant from the city of Osijek (Croatia) and 1 participant from the city of Čepin (Croatia). The event in Cajetina involved 30 citizens, including 30 participants from the city of Cajetina and Zlatibor (Serbia). The event in Slovakia of CEE CN involved 1700 citizens online, including 811 viewers/ participants from the city of Banská Bystrica (Slovakia), 243 viewers/ participants from the city of Bratislava (Slovakia), 150 viewers/ participants from the city of Košice (Slovakia), 119 viewers/ participants from the city of Prešov (Slovakia), 87 viewers/ participants from the city of Nitra (Slovakia), 71 viewers/ participants from the city of Žilina (Slovakia), 69 viewers/ participants from the city of Trenčín (Slovakia) and 63 viewers/ participants from the city of Trnava (Slovakia). The event in Prague of the House of National minorities involved 25 citizens, including  participants from the city of Prague (Czech Republic). The event in the Republic of Macedonia of SEGA involved 30 citizens, including 30 participants from the city of Prilep (Republic of N. Macedonia). The event in Albania of CRLDS involved 63 citizens, including 33 participants from the city of Vlora (Albania), 16 participants from the City of Berat (Albania), 4 participants from the City of Ura Vajgurore, Municipality of Dimal (Albania), 5 participants from the city of Kucova, Municipality of Kucova (Albania) and 5 participants from the city of Tirana (Albania). The event of Istituto Rezzara involved 104 citizens, including 30 participants from the city of Vicenza (Italy), 4 participants from the town of Nove (VI) (Italy), 3 participants from the town of Bressanvido (VI) (Italy), 1 participant from the town of Sandrigo (VI) (Italy), 1 participant from the town of Colceresa (VI) (Italy), 11 participants from the town of Marostica (VI) (Italy), 1 participant from the town of Lugo (VI) (Italy), 1 participant from the town of Schio (VI) (Italy), 1 participant from the town of Pianezze San Lorenzo (VI) (Italy), 26 participants from the town of Breganze (VI) (Italy), 11 participants from the town of Fara (VI) (Italy), 8 participants from the town of Sarcedo (VI) (Italy), 4 participants from the town of Zuliano (VI) (Italy), 1 participant from the town of Montecchio Precalcino (VI) (Italy), 1 participant from the town of Calvene (VI) (Italy). The event in Mioveni involved 15 citizens, including 11 participants from the city of Mioveni (Romania). The event in Bulgaria of RAM involved 31 participants that were 12th grade students from the National Aprilov High School in Gabrovo (Bulgaria). The event in Zavidovici involved 40 citizens, all participants from the city of Zavidovići (Bosnia and Herzegovina). The event in Peja involved 25 participants from the city of Peja (Kosovo). The event in Herceg Novi involved 14 citizens, including 2 participants from the city of Montenegro, 4 participants from the city of Italy, 2 participants from the city of France, 2 participants from the city of Albania, 2 participants from the city of Bulgaria, 2 participants from the city of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2 participants from the city of Czech Republic, 2 participants from the city of Croatia, 2 participants from the municipality of Peje (Kosovo), 2 participants from the city of North Macedonia, 2 participants from the city of Romania, 2 participants from the city of Serbia and 2 participants from the city of Slovakia.

Location / Dates: The event took place in all partner countries (Erdut-Croatia, Cajetina-Serbia, CEE CN-Slovakia, House of national minorities-Czech Republic, SEGA-Macedonia, CRLDS- Albania, Istituto Rezzara-Italy, Mioveni-Romania, RAM-Bulgaria, Zavidovici-Bosnia and Herzegovina, Breganze-Italy, Peje-Kosovo, Herceg Novi-Montenegro), from March 2020 to September 2020

Short description: The aim of the event was to focus on common EU identity and to detect the causes of Euroscepticism through informal education methods.


Participation: The local path 3 involved 502 citizens in total in all the partner countries.

The event in Erdut involved 33 citizens, including 27 participants from the city of Dalj (Croatia), 3 participants from the city of Bijelo Brdo (Croatia), 1 participant from the city of Erdut (Croatia), 1 participant from the city of Osijek (Croatia) and 1 participant from the city of Čepin (Croatia). The event in Cajetina involved 30 citizens, including 30 participants from the city of Cajetina (Serbia). The event in Slovakia of CEE CN involved 25 citizens offline and 1200 viewers online, including 15 participants from the city of Banská Bystrica (Slovakia), 10 participants from the city of Bratislava (Slovakia). The event in Prague of the House of National minorities involved 22 citizens, including  kids from kindergarten Studánka and teachers (Czech Republic). The event in the Republic of Macedonia of SEGA involved 31 citizens, including 31 participants from the city of Prilep (Republic of N. Macedonia). The event in Albania of CRLDS involved 98 participants including 37 participants from the City of Durres (Albania), 33 participants from the City of Vlora (Albania), 28 participants from the City of Tirana (Albania). The event from Istituto Rezzara involved 105 citizens, including 1 participant from the town of Monteviale (VI) (Italy), 7 participants from the town of Isola Vicentina (VI) (Italy), 1 participant from the town of Nanto (VI) (Italy), 1 participant from the town of Dueville (VI) (Italy), 4 participants from the city of Vicenza (Italy), 24 participants from the town of Caldogno (VI) (Italy), 5 participants from the town of Monte di Malo (VI) (Italy), 7 participants from the town of San Vito di Leguzzano (VI) (Italy), 55 participants from the town of Malo (VI) (Italy). The event in Mioveni involved 26 citizens, including 26 participants from the city of Mioveni (Romania). The event in Bulgaria of RAM involved 30 citizens, including 30 participants from the city of Gabrovo (Bulgaria). The event in Zavidovici involved 90 citizens, all participants from the city of Zavidovići (Bosnia Herzegovina). The event in Peja involved 25 participants from the city of Peja (Kosovo). 

Location / Dates: The event took place in all partner countries (Erdut-Croatia, Cajetina-Serbia, CEE CN-Slovakia, House of national minorities-Czech Republic, SEGA-Macedonia, CRLDS- Albania, Istituto Rezzara-Italy, Mioveni-Romania, RAM-Bulgaria, Zavidovici-Bosnia and Herzegovina, Breganze-Italy, Peje-Kosovo, Herceg Novi-Montenegro), from October 2021 to May 2022
Short description: The aim of the event was to create and gather material on EU identity (pictures, stories, videos, etc.) and the creation of the Global Citizenship Map.


Participation: The local path 4 involved 473 citizens in total in all the partner countries.

The event in Erdut involved 33 citizens, including 27 participants from the city of Dalj (Croatia), 3 participants from the city of Bijelo Brdo (Croatia), 1 participant from the city of Erdut (Croatia), 1 participant from the city of Osijek (Croatia) and 1 participant from the city of Čepin (Croatia). The event in Cajetina involved 20 poets and actors, including around 50 participants/ spectators from the city of Cajetina (Serbia). The event in Slovakia of CEE CN involved 15 citizens, including 15 participants from the city of Banská Bystrica (Slovakia). The event in Prague of the House of National minorities involved 40 citizens, including school kids from Prague Elementary school Smolkova (Czech Republic). The event in the Republic of Macedonia iof SEGA involved 45 citizens, including 30 participants from the city of Prilep (Republic of N. Macedonia). The event in Albania of CRLDS involved 65 participants including 51 participants from the City of Vlora (Albania), 8 participants from the city of Tirana (Albania), 2 participants from the City of Durres (Albania), 2 participants from the City of Berat (Albania) and 1 participant from the City of Ura Vajgurore (Albania). The event of Istituto Rezzara involved 111 citizens, including 38 participants from the city Vicenza (Italy), 1 participant from the town of Barbarano Vicentino (VI) (Italy), 1 participant from the town of Altavilla (VI) (Italy), 1 participant from the town of Costabissara (VI) (Italy), 2 participants from the town of Caldogno (VI) (Italy), 41 participants from the town of Breganze (VI) (Italy), 8 participants from the town of Fara (VI) (Italy), 5 participants from the town of Zugliano (VI) (Italy), 6 participants from the town of Sarcedo (VI) (Italy), 3 participants from the town of Montecchio (VI) (Italy), 2 participants from the town of Lugo (VI) (Italy), 1 participant from the town of Sandrigo (VI) (Italy), 1 participant from the town of Thiene (VI) (Italy), 1 participant from the town of Carrè (Italy). The event in Mioveni involved 28 citizens, including 28 participants from the city of Mioveni (Romania). The event in Bulgaria of RAM involved 33 participants including students from the professional technical school “Dr. Nikola Vasiliadi”, representatives of the information centre EUROPE DIRECT Gabrovo, Career Development Center and the Bulgarian project partner RAM Central Stara Planina (Bulgaria). The event in Zavidovici involved 55 citizens, all participants from the city of Zavidovići (Bosnia and Herzegovina). The event in Peja involved 18 participants from the city of Peja (Kosovo). 

Location / Dates: The event took place in all partner countries (Erdut-Croatia, Cajetina-Serbia, CEE CN-Slovakia, House of national minorities-Czech Republic, SEGA-Macedonia, CRLDS- Albania, Istituto Rezzara-Italy, Mioveni-Romania, RAM-Bulgaria, Zavidovici-Bosnia and Herzegovina, Breganze-Italy, Peje-Kosovo, Herceg Novi-Montenegro), from April 2022 to May 2022

Short description: The aim of the event was to share with the local community the last international event and to

disseminate the project results.

Download project paper(.pdf)


5 events have been carried out within this project: 1 international event and 4 local path


Participation: The event involved  57  citizens, including 29 participants from the city of Dalj, Bijelo Brdo, Aljmaš (Croatia), 5 participants from the city of Vicenza (Italy), 2 participants from the city of Prague (Czech Republic), 3 participants from the city of Čajetina, Zaječar (Serbia), 3 participants from the city of Prilep (Macedonia), 2 participants from the city of Mioveni (Romania), 2 participants from the city of Herceg Novi (Montenegro), 2 participants from the city of Gabrovo (Bulgaria), 2 participants from the city of Peja (Kosovo), 2 participants from the city of Zavidovići (Bosnia and Herzegovina), 2 participants from the city of Banska Bystrica (Slovakia), 2 participants from the city of Tirana (Albania) and 1 participant from the city of Bruxelles (Belgium). 

Location / Dates: The event took place in Dalj, Municipality of Erdut, Croatia, from 24/06/2019  to 26/06/2019

Short description:  The aim of the event in the municipality of Erdut was to meet the partners and present their organizations, to present Europe for the citizens  program, to present the project “ACHIEVE”, its goals and activities, and for each partner to present the current situation of Euroscepticism in their country, on the basis of which activities will be carried out at the next meetings to be held in local comunity, Czech Republic, Kosovo and Italy.

Event 2: 1st local path

Participation: The event involved 33 citizens, including 27 participants from the city of Dalj (Crotia), 

5 participants from the city of Bijelo Brdo (Croatia) and 1 participant from the city of Vukovar (Croatia).

Location / Dates: The event took place in Dalj (Municipality of Erdut, Croatia), 18/12/2019; 16/01/2020      Short description:  The aim of the event was to introduce the Europe for Citizens project and program, project objectives and all partners involved are presented, the local identity of the Erdut municipality was discussed, and about cultural, religious and historical heritage presented through presentation and film. Within the framework of this project two workshops were held on the topic with volunteers, students and local people of Erdut Municipality.

Event 3: 2nd local path

Participation: The event involved 34 citizens, including 28 participants from the city of Dalj (Crotia),

3 participants from the city of Bijelo Brdo (Croatia), 1 participant from the city of Erdut (Croatia), 1 participant from the city of Osijek (Croatia) and 1 participant from the city of Čepin (Croatia)

Location / Dates: The event took place in Dalj, Bijelo Brdo, Aljmaš and Erdut (Municipality of Erdut, Croatia), from  06/2020 to 08/2020
Short description:  The aim of the event was to tour the municipality of Erdut with the local and regional population, to get to know the municipality of Erdut, its own identity, the identity of our region, cultural heritage, religion, wineries and wine roads, and the green roads of our region of the municipality. All of this was necessary for the local population to conclude and first understand their own identity, their place in the European identity, and discuss Euroscepticism.

Event 4: 3rd local path

Participation: The event involved 33 citizens, including 27 participants from the city of Dalj (Crotia),

3 participants from the city of Bijelo Brdo (Croatia), 1 participant from the city of Erdut (Croatia), 1 participant from the city of Osijek (Croatia) and 1 participant from the city of Čepin (Croatia)

Location / Dates: The event took place in Dalj, Bijelo Brdo, Aljmaš and Erdut (Municipality of Erdut, Croatia), from  01/2021 to 05/2021
Short description:  The aim of the event was include the local and regional community, volunteers, young and old participants. We did several workshops, panel discussions, short seminars, round tables. The goal was to involve and educate the population with the goals of the ACHIEVE project through conversations and activities, and to try to make decisions and conclusions. Topics of third local activities in which the community was involved is Europe, European Union, European Community, who’s all European, how to become a European, the good and bad sides of Europe, how we feel like Europeans. 

Event 5: 4th local path

Participation: The event involved 33 citizens, including 27 participants from the city of Dalj (Crotia),

3 participants from the city of Bijelo Brdo (Croatia), 1 participant from the city of Erdut (Croatia), 1 participant from the city of Osijek (Croatia) and 1 participant from the city of Čepin (Croatia)

Location / Dates: The event took place in Dalj(Municipality of Erdut, Croatia), 04/2022

Short description:  The aim of the event was to present to the community the last international event in Vicenza and to present the results of the project. The goal was to talk with the representatives of the Municipality of Erdut about projects on the same topic and the possibility of participating in more such projects.


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